Who has the right to seek asylum in Greece?
1. Who has the right to seek asylum in Greece?
In Greece, third-country nationals or stateless persons who are persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, or political beliefs, or because their life in their country is in danger (eg risk of death or execution, torture or degrading treatment in the country) may seek asylum.
2. How do I apply for asylum?
Registration of International Protection requests is done via Skype, specific days and hours set by the same service, or at the Regional Offices of the Asylum Service due to the vulnerability of the applicant. (eg: serious health problems, pregnancy, etc.)
3. Do I need to have someone to speak my language with me when I go to the asylum service?
No it is not necessary. The Asylum Service has interpreters who speak your language.
4. Can someone be with me at the time of my interview to help me?
Your attorney, doctor, social worker or psychologist may be with you at the interview.
5. What is the difference between an asylum seeker and a recognized refugee?
The asylum seeker is a holder of an International Protection Applicant document and has the right to reside legally in Greece and has the rights to the necessary transactions until the decision of his application is made.
The beneficiary of international protection and the holder of a refugee residence permit have the same rights as those enjoyed by Greek citizens.
6. What if my application is rejected?
If your application is rejected in the first instance, you can file an appeal to the same service within the deadline stated in your decision.
If your application is rejected in the second instance, you can appeal to the courts within the deadline stated in your decision.
7. Do I have access to medical care if I have an asylum seeker card?
Yes. From the asylum service together with your card you receive a Temporary Insurance and Health Care Number for an Alien (PAAYPA) in order to have access to medical and hospital care.
8. How can I be informed about the progress of my case?
To find out what stage your case is at, you should contact the asylum service or yourself in person after a scheduled appointment or your attorney. No case information is given by phone.
9. What can happen if I do not go on the day of my interview?
it is necessary to go to the service on the day you have been set as the date of the interview.
Failure to attend means that you withdraw your request and the service is terminated. You can request an appeal during the discontinuation of your demand.
10. My card expires, how can I renew?
The cards are automatically renewed until 30/06/2021 due to public health protection by Covid 19.
You should be constantly monitoring to schedule your appointment online whenever possible.
For more information you can contact our office from Monday to Friday 11:00 to 19:00 by phone 00 2103008939 or send us a personal message inbox